Thankyou, stranger 

Where did my appetite go?

Its the stress or everything troubling me. I want to keep this blog a happy one!!! All my posts these days are so depressing :( After keeping so much stuff to myself and this blog, I really want to have somebody to hear me out, but I can't. I'm afraid they'll think its silly!

Randomly searched for blogs of strangers (my friend once told me it makes her feel happy reading about strangers' lives so I tried)!
(moved most of the stuff to lj in case there are privacy issues)
I felt so much like her, and when I got to the part where she'll put on a brave front and not break down anymore, it was quite inspiring. Its always inspiring to know that somebody has been in your situation (and survived to emerge as a stronger person)

Strangers put a smile on my face hehe. I know rayseen feels like me all the time, does reading this make you feel happy like the way I felt after reading the girl's blog! Haha.
I like this emoticon cause it reminds me abit of myself

I promise to write less depressing posts :]
I miss you all. Sometimes seeing each other everyday doesn't mean anything without quality time, and not seeing each other everyday doesn't mean you'll be forgotten.

when will we ALL be freeeeeeeee.

Lao da and peixuan all inside! At least you all talk alot to me (esp xuanee) hehe :D
glenda tan yin zi! (you too yiting!!) Seeyou during breaks!

Riane goh goodluck for your tests I miss you, silly girl!!!!
Like, so near yet so far. Miss those times.
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